
Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Pressure of Their World(for Introverts)

Glance over at this anglican priest article. To explore , this report can be used as a resource.

Faith Burgess is a bright and charming stay-at-home mom. She has a toddler, Joshua. Faith is an introvert and so is her three year old son. I asked Faith to try and put into words what it was like to be an introvert so I could help get the idea across to my readers. This is the story she told me.

My husband has an uncle who is clearly an introvert. I ve heard him called quirky , cold and humorless , reclusive and a strange bird . He married into our very large family and has been dragged to every family gathering for nearly 50 years always sitting off by himself reading a book or watching TV never talking to anyone while everybody else socializes, eats and plays games.

Last year, I drew his name for the Christmas gift exchange and was stymied about what he d like. The family members who had all drawn his name in previous years laughed pityingly. They informed me that he wants the same thing every year, white undershirts and gray dress-shirts. I got him the nicest ones I could find, writing something goofy on the card like try not to think of me when you wear these.

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He disappeared sometime during the Christmas gathering (very clever) and we never even chatted. The next family gathering happened to be the death a family member and I spent most of the time crying. In a quiet moment at the hospital, he singled me out and very sweetly, very quietly, said Thank you for the gift, kiddo. You ve got good taste. As a matter of fact (he said with his best devilish wink) I m wearing your underwear right now. I stopped crying and started laughing and gave him a hug. He pinched my cheek and moved on with a smile. I just loved him for that moment. I go out of my way now (at family gatherings) to give him a kiss on the cheek but I keep on moving. This is for his benefit. I know, introverts are intensely cool.

Very well. What is your perception on the article till here? I'm dead sure it improved your knowledge.

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Today s story: The family was sitting around talking about how Uncle Introvert is 70 years old. Once again, they describe him as a strange, strange bird.

My husband, however, compares him to a rare exotic fish that lives in the deepest ocean. He says, You know, the ones you can only get to with a submersible. The ones that have beautiful brilliant neon colors that flash and glow in the dark but if you bring them to the surface, their stomachs come out their mouths. Something about that imagery struck me as hilarious. He did a good job of helping me understand how bizarre introverts appear to the rest of the world.

I can t count the number of times the pressure of their world has brought my stomach to my mouth.

All right! What do you think on the article till here? I'm confident it improved your wisdom.

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About the Author

Nancy R. Fenn has been an astrologer and intuitive consultant in the San Diego for over 25 years. She enjoys working with creatives, intuitives and visionaries to help them discover their mission in life. Nancy's mission in life is to raise consciousness about introversion as a legitimate personality syle. Visit Nancy on the web at www.theintrovertzcoach.com

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